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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

For Faculty

Young Library works closely with KCU faculty to provide service and develop its resources. We have assigned each school of study a liaison librarian. Our liaisons are prepared to work closely with all faculty to meet the educational and research goals of the institution. This includes collaboration on collection development, programming, displays, and developing bibliographic instruction. All faculty are encouraged to ask for library input and assistance.

Naulayne Enders 

Phone: 474-3276

School of Business and Leadership
Yancey School of Nursing
KCU Graduate School
School of Humanities and Sciences (Sciences)

Josh Blevins

Phone: 474-3241

Keeran School of Education
Keeran School of Bible & Ministry
School of Distance Education
School of Humanities and Sciences (Humanities)


Assignment specific research instruction is available upon request. Instructors can request a full class instruction, quick 10-minute subject reviews, and one-on-one sessions for individual students. We are happy to accommodate your course research needs. All instructors receive an outline prior to a library instruction session which can be modified by the instructor. Please contact your liaison for scheduling.


Checkouts of cataloged resources are available to faculty for the entire semester. Faculty can request a renewal of their materials at the end of the semester. No fines are accrued by faculty members. Special accommodations are made for all materials that are needed by faculty to meet their research and classroom needs.


Materials for student use may be placed on reserve by a professor. Materials may currently be part of the Young Library collection or a professor’s personal materials. To have the materials placed on reserve, please fill out a copy of the Reserve form below. The form can then be printed off and delivered with the reserve item or it can be forwarded to the Library Assistant, Ally Collins ( Professors’ copies of reserve items will be returned through KCU campus mail.

Faculty Reserve Form – Print

Faculty Reserve Form – Online Version


The following links can be used to review resources that are being considered for program use.

Publishers Weekly
Library Journal
H-Net Reviews
Doody’s Core Titles


Young Library maintains electronic access to The Chronicle of Higher Education. This is accessible to all faculty at KCU. Please contact the library for a Username and Password.

The Chronicle of Higher Education


Reserve Form PDF-2015 update

Reserve Form – Online Version

Library Electronic Test Reservation Form – Please use this form to reserve the electronic classroom for your students to take password protected exams on Sakai.

KCU OER Textbook Adoption Form –   Please fill out this form if you are adopting/using an OER textbook for any of your courses.  This information will be shared with Daniel White so that he can track which courses are using OER materials.  It will also be shared with the Affordable Learning Kentucky task force.  The collected data will be processed through a student cost-savings data generator created by the Open Education Network.  Results will be shared with Deans of your department and with the Academic Cabinet.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Naulayne Enders at or 606-474-3276.


In the library in the evenings, many students are asking questions about plagiarism.  We realize that you are also seeing problems in your assignments.  The library has created an online interactive Escape Room for students to help them learn how to identify plagiarism.  At the end of the Escape Room, students can print out a certificate of completion.  If you would like to require your students to complete the Escape Room, you can receive the certificate from them and we can provide you with a list of students since we require students to put their emails into the challenge.  This is designed around the 10 sports that are currently available at KCU.

Click on the word Plagiarism  to try the Escape Room for yourself.

Here is the link that you can provide to your students in Canvas if you would like to require them to complete this training:

You can also send students to the library’s Activities page –

or you can send them to the Study Aids page on the Tutoring center’s web page –

OTHER FACULTY RESOURCES                      

Chronicles of Higher education
For Username and Password Information, contact the Supervisor at Young Library At 474-3240.

Doody’s Core Titles in the Health Sciences

Faculty Policies
EMBEDDED LIBRARIAN POLICY FOR YOUNG LIBRARY with Suggested Paragraph for inclusion in a syllabus

Faculty Packet 2024-2025

Well Prepared

“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally and most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”

Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022