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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

School Of Nursing Accreditation

The baccalaureate and master’s degree programs at Kentucky Christian University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791 ( Both degree programs are approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

Kentucky Christian University is a private university with a Board of Trustees from a fellowship of independent congregations known as Churches of Christ and Christian Churches. Because these independent congregations claim no creed or statement of faith except for the Scriptures, and because no denominational headquarters establishes a doctrinal position for the Kentucky Christian University, the Board of Trustees has resolved that the Kentucky Christian University will abide by only a belief and a general statement based on those teachings of Scripture which are clearly taught and universally embraced by these independent congregations.


  • GOD – That God is not only the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Creator of the universe, but also the loving Father, Provider of all life, and righteous Judge.
  • THE BIBLE – The Bible is God’s divinely inspired revelation to man. These Holy Scriptures are not to be added to, nor subtracted from, by anyone.
  • JESUS – Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, who came to earth in the fullness of time, as Savior and as Messiah. This same Jesus is recognized as the only begotten Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, crucified on the cross after a sinless life on earth, raised bodily as Lord from the tomb, ascended into heaven as King of Kings, and is coming again to reclaim those who are His own.
  • THE CHURCH – The Church is the divine institution by which God has provided for the preaching of the Gospel and the salvation of the world. This Church, the Body of Christ, has divinely given ordinances, which are Christian baptism, the immersion of the penitent believer for the remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit; and the Lord’s Supper, observed weekly in the remembrance of Him.
  • UNITY – The unity of all followers of Christ can be realized on the basis of a return to the primitive pattern for Church doctrine in practice, in polity, and in life as seen in the New Testament. The founders of the Kentucky Christian University, as well as the current Board of Trustees and administrative leadership, were and are keenly aware of the many issues, which have divided and continue to divide Christian Churches. As a Kentucky Christian University, we believe it is ill advised to contribute to division and disunity by aligning ourselves, on the basis of opinion, with any party or sect. Rather, in the spirit of the first century Church and many early Christian reformers, we choose to be non-sectarian. It is required that full-time faculty members adhere to these teachings and principles and seek to inculcate them into the lives of their students. Furthermore, each student is expected to attain the goals of Christian character and conduct which are implied in these teachings. To this end, Kentucky Christian University requires that every candidate for the Baccalaureate degree complete a core of biblical studies classes.

Kentucky Christian University offers a college experience like none other.

Sure, we have excellent academic programs taught by professional faculty that allow you to earn a degree in a variety of areas. Yes, we offer competitive and affordable tuition. Of course, we strive to create a vibrant campus life experience that allows students to meet new people and make the most of their college experience.
Two individuals wearing safety goggles conducting an experiment together on a lab bench in a science classroom.

But, doesn’t everyone say that?

What sets KCU apart from other universities is the way we intentionally invest in the lives of our students to see hearts and minds transformed. At KCU, you will grow in your relationship with Christ as you experience authentic Christian community. You will grow in character as you build real relationships with professors and students, and you will be equipped as a professional in your field and a Christian leader in our culture. We believe each of our students is uniquely gifted to be a catalyst for change in the world and we strive to equip them by engaging them in a transformative educational experience.

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Young Library provides research materials in both print and electronic formats. All students, faculty, and staff have 24/7 access to electronic research materials wherever an internet connection is available. Professional full-time staff members are available in the library 74 hours a week for one-on-one consultation. Library staff can be contacted in person, by phone, or by e-mail.
Grey image featuring a knight logo with "KCU" and the text "Photo Placeholder" in the center.

To Begin Your Research

  • Identify and define your topic
  • Gather background information and develop search terms
  • Locate print and electronic resources (books, streaming video, journal articles) in Young Library using KCU’s Online Catalog/ Discovery System.  You may also use other catalogs – WorldCat – to locate off site materials available through Inter-library Loan.
  • Search journal databases for electronic and full-text articles – Off-Campus Username and Password
  • Find additional internet resources. Consider government websites, academic sites, and scholarly sites.
  • Evaluate all information.  Consider author information/ perspective, How is the article useful to answering your research question?
  • Maintain citation information on all resources used
Grey image featuring a knight logo with "KCU" and the text "Photo Placeholder" in the center.

Planning Your Research Project

Locating information is one part of completing a research assignment.  To help you with planning, researching, drafting, writing, and completing your research assignment, we recommend that you use this Assignment Calculator from the University of Minnesota.  Put in the date assigned and the due date.  A step-by-step guide will be generated to help you complete your assignment successfully.  Please contact the library if you have any questions.

Assignment Calculator | University of Minnesota Libraries. Accessed 10 Aug. 2023.