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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Off-Campus Passwords

All KCU ID holders are able to access Young Library’s electronic holdings from off-campus provided that they have access to the internet. Follow the directions for setting up your password in our new Online Catalog/ Discovery System Password Guide.

Young Library is able to provide off-campus access to subscription databases using an offsite proxy server. This will identify you as a KCU student.

If you have any questions, problems, or concerns please contact the library
staff at (606) 474-3240 or for assistance.

Well Prepared

“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally and most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”

Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022