Website Community Christian Church
Community Christian Church is a small independent restoration movement church
located in Ocean County, NJ looking for a full-time preacher.
Ideally a mature man with experience in church revitalization and/or planting
from the tri-state area who is willing to live in the vicinity
and become part of the community, helping the church to grow spiritually
as well as in number. He must be able to preach Biblical truth effectively,
work with the Leadership Team as we have no Elders or Deacons at this time,
and may need to be bi-vocational to start. The salary package of $55K+ is negotiable,
depending on experience, and includes a housing allowance
as there is no parsonage available.
If you are interested in the position or if you are interested in being a guest, supply or
interim speaker at our church, please send resume, a sermon link if available and a
brief bio describing how you came to Christ, why you became a preacher and your
beliefs to Debbie Sanford at communitychristianchurchnj@gmail.com
To apply for this job email your details to communitychristianchurchnj@gmail.com