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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Introduction to Christian Education

A study of the history and philosophy of Christian education as revealed in the Bible and history. Exposure to a survey of characteristics, principles, and methods, with application to the various departments and agencies of the Church. Offered every fall.

Introduction to Ministry

Students will be introduced to the many facets of ministry such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, counseling, preaching/teaching and visitation.

Contemporary Musicianship

This course addresses the foundational melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic elements of music theory, including notation, key signatures, intervals, chords, and chord progressions. Special attention is given to the Nashville Number System as an accepted methodology for music analysis in contemporary Christian music genres.

Contemporary Musicianship II

A continuation of the work started in MTH 220. Special attention is given to harmonic progression and analysis. (Prerequisite: MTH 220)

Worship Ensemble (4-1 credit hour)

This ensemble serves as the worship-leading team for chapel and special campus events. Rehearsals include instruction that covers the use of ensembles in worship ministry, including worship teams, worship choirs, drama and music productions, and other art forms. Emphasis will be placed on understanding and participating in such ensembles in varied worship settings. (By audition […]

Principles for Worship Leadership

This course is a study of the practical aspects of worship leadership, such as developing a philosophy and methodology for worship leadership, rehearsal techniques, administrative responsibilities, methodologies for recruiting and training volunteers, and staff relationships.