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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Student Teaching

Supervised student teaching in a public school for a minimum of fourteen weeks will provide a variety of experiences to prepare pre-service teachers for their role in the school and the community. Included will be involvement with young people in the learning process, experiences with records necessary in the overall management of a classroom, and contact with other teaching professionals. Seminars will be offered on campus addressing the specific needs of beginning teachers. (Prerequisite: Admissions to teacher education program and completions of all requirements for student teaching). (Minimum grade “C”)

Prepared to Go Make Disciples

“Thank you Dr. Brickey for pouring so much time, love, and effort into my education to make sure that I became a nurse that is prepared to go make disciples for Christ. I will forever be grateful to you and the Yancey School of Nursing.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022