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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Reading/Language Arts Methods II

A continuation of ELE 351, this course is an examination or reading difficulties and their diagnosis and remediation applicable to the elementary grades’ school curriculum. A continued focus on literacy strategies will be emphasized 131 with ties to integrated curriculum. Also, a practical approach to teaching language arts will be emphasized in the areas of grammar, spelling, punctuation, penmanship, and the writing process. (Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program and ELE 351. Corequisite: ELE 354 and EDF 324.) (Minimum grade “C”)

Prepared to Go Make Disciples

“Thank you Dr. Brickey for pouring so much time, love, and effort into my education to make sure that I became a nurse that is prepared to go make disciples for Christ. I will forever be grateful to you and the Yancey School of Nursing.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022