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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

General Chemisty II and CHE 214 Lab

This is a continuation of CHE 211. Advanced topics covered in this course include: equilibria, acids and bases, complexes, sparingly soluble compounds, thermodynamics, kinetics, electrochemistry, and solution theory. Descriptive inorganic chemistry is also introduced. Laboratory exercises will emphasize lecture concepts and be an integral part of the course. The course requires three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. Offered every spring. (Prerequisites: MAT 221 or higher, CHE 211/CHE 213 with a grade of C or higher.)

Prepared to Go Make Disciples

“Thank you Dr. Brickey for pouring so much time, love, and effort into my education to make sure that I became a nurse that is prepared to go make disciples for Christ. I will forever be grateful to you and the Yancey School of Nursing.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022