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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Children’s Literature

A survey of children’s literature from its beginning to the present time, including all types of literature except textbooks. Included will be criteria for evaluating, selecting, and presenting materials, which are applicable to the interests, needs, and abilities of children in the elementary grades. Emphasis is on eliciting responses from children based on specific trade books, using literature across the curriculum, and using literature as an additional or alternative reading an approach to increase literacy skills. Offered every fall. (Corequisite: ELE 351 or professor permission.) (Minimum grade “C”)

Prepared to Go Make Disciples

“Thank you Dr. Brickey for pouring so much time, love, and effort into my education to make sure that I became a nurse that is prepared to go make disciples for Christ. I will forever be grateful to you and the Yancey School of Nursing.”

Iphania Auguste, Class of 2022